You are currently viewing #5 ACTIVATE YOUR MERKABA 2nd part
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Merkaba is your high-frequency energy field     

With the video series Master Your Energy you can independently learn to create your own Merkaba. First of all, you will learn to:
a. restore
b. to clean
c. super-energize.


Restore: because most people’s energy fields have become distorted.
Caused by? Because of all kinds of traumatic events that happen in everyone’s life.


Many people are constantly carrying a great deal of emotional and mental ballast.
You can learn to dispose of this charge.
When our physical body is full of residual mass, we go to the toilet. This also applies to our energy fields, which need to be cleaned up regularly.
That is why many people find it so pleasant to indulge in a football stadium, a dance party, carnival, or wherever. What a relief when that load has been removed again.

I have re-explained complex material and provided it with animations.
Ancient knowledge has therefore become accessible to everyone. 

Super energize:

Now that Mother Earth is raising her vibrations and higher frequencies are being used all around us, such as cell towers, it is useful that we -humans- also raise our own frequencies.
You do not need any prior training and if you need help and / or have questions, you can always contact me via a contact form on my website. In principle, you can do the Master Your Energy video series at home independently of anyone.

You can find detailed information on my website.

Using Merkaba vs. Crystals

You may be aware that natural (mountain) crystals -which are rough on one side and NOT buffed- can be programmed. These natural crystals can contain as many programs as they have planes or sides.

Programming crystals

A 6-sided crystal can therefore contain 6 programs. You can carry such a crystal with you if you do not have a Merkaba yet. To put programs in a crystal, hold it between both hands. And in the meantime, you send your heart’s desire (s) to this crystal with intention and attention.
If you want to “seal” these “programs”, you can break off a small piece of crystal on the rough side and then your intentions remain unchanged there.

Raw crystals can contain as many programs or intentions as their number of planes.
Cut or polished crystals cannot be programmed.

Programming Merkaba

In your Merkaba, on the other hand, you can put an almost unlimited amount of intentions.
You can learn that with the help of the video series: Master Your Energy.
In addition, you can refer to volume 2 of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life written by Drunvalo Melchizedek (chapters 13 and 14).
You don’t have to repeat the intentions in your Merkaba. These will remain active until you decide to change or delete them. You can compare it to how software works on your computer.

Tips on how to program your Merkaba

The following week I’ll give you some tips about the different ways you can use your Merkaba.

If you wish to learn your Merkaba with Master Your Energy, click here.

See you in a week!