Johanna Donna Kleipool:
My life’s goal is inspiring you to get the best out of you, and give the best of myself. I love making a difference in your life.
My early youth
Borne in Amsterdam during the last days of the world war II, I was the first of seven children with 2 scientists as parents.
The most important motto in my life: FREEDOM.
That urge to freedom was fed during my early youth in Indonesia, where my father was a teacher. Until the age of 7 there were no rules and regulations in my life.
I was free to discover everything myself. I had never even worn a pair of shoes. So, I had enough time to develop my individuality. At the age of 15, I moved to the house of a family friend far away to go to the fifth school, a big change.
There I learned independence, and the sense of responsibility came naturally.
Searching for my truth and freedom

I traveled around the world with my backpack for many years looking for answers to the questions: “Who am I?”, “What am I doing here?” “Where are we going to?”
I was always looking for the essence of my life.
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Only when I discovered the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, did all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. I learned to work with my own energy fields using Drunvalo’s methods.
This gave me a lot more energy but my interest and enthusiasm didn’t stop there.
I went to Arizona where I followed all the trainings necessary to become a Merkaba (energy field) facilitator.

As from 1995 I have been a full-time Merkaba (energy) teacher, and I have worked with thousands of people all around the world.
Some details about me
I am a cheerful person with a healthy dose of humor. I learned to manage my energy fields very well and enjoy life to the fullest!
From my second marriage to an Argentine surgeon a beautiful son was born who taught me what is unconditional love. Meanwhile I have also a wonderful grand daughter.
Many friends died
In recent years, a large part of the circle of my friends died. This made me reflect on what I still would like to do before it would be my turn to go. It was clearly: re-explaining the knowledge about the Merkaba with the help of videos and self-developed images and animations. This work I have given the name: Master Your Energy.
My life’s work
With this website I offer the possibility to auditively and visually absorb the
knowledge of working with your energy fields in the comfort of your own home.
My life’s purpose now is to share this valuable information that has made my
life so beautiful.
It’s my deep wish that you can live in authenticity, creativity, balance, freedom, happiness and peace.
I often receive testimonials from former students about the impact of the Flower of Life and Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops and/or the video series Master Your Energy on their daily lives.
I do not distinguish between work, leisure and vacation. My whole life is an unplanned combination of all of this. So I always have time for everything.
I constantly refine and enrich the website! Regularly, I add a Blog that you can find in the Menu bar.
You can always contact me via the contact form on the website.