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In the beginning you may feel a strong difference in energy. Some later not as noticeable.

In the beginning you may feel a strong difference in energy. Some later not as noticeable. Your system quickly gets used to the higher frequencies. Moreover, in the beginning, an intense and old fatigue (sometimes of many lives) may set loose. Your system loves to be without all the tensions and charges. Take your time for this! I suggest that you do the 17 breaths for a month to bring -and keep- your Electro-Magnetic (EM) fields in order and clean. In that time your Merkaba becomes part of you.

Experiment with activating your Merkaba and stop your Merkaba

The entire Merkaba meditation can be done in 5 minutes!
After having activated your Merkaba, of course, you can stay in silence and unity for as long as you want. And then -if you wish- you may listen to your Inner Guidance.
If you don’t have much time, you will definitely find those 5 minutes.
So, it is better NOT TO POSTPONE reactivating your Merkaba. Delay often leads to cancellation. You don’t need to be perfect!
Have a small notebook with you, and at the end of each day write down in one word how your day went. Select one page for WITH and the other side of the page for WITHOUT Merkaba. Notice the difference!
What I suggest to you is to experiment the time you desire WITH, and alternately a time WITHOUT your Merkaba. You have every right to do that. I urge you to do so, because in this way the Merkaba Meditation becomes part of yourself.
When doing this experiment, you will activate your Merkaba for a week (or the time you wish) and then not activate your Merkaba for a week.

Please, do always the first 6 breaths

Please, ALWAYS do the first 6 breaths. Keep clearing yourself in all time and space openings. When inhaling you may invite the spirit of your biological father and all ancestors. Exahaling you may invite the spirit of your biological mother and all foremothers to clear the family ties in the past, present and future. Later you can replace the biological parents with Father Heaven/Sky and Mother Earth.
Once you -with intention and attention- stop breathing prana, then the 2 prana flows stop after 44 hours. The internal and external prana spheres will collapse. You start breathing prana again through your nose and mouth (nothing harmful can happen if you do so. Your Light Vehicle (or Merkaba) that looks like a flying saucer will collapse too.
You can decide when to activate your Merkaba again. You are always the one who decides whether or not you have activated your Merkaba; and when. I myself experimented for a year with DO and NOT have Merkaba.

How do you stop your Merkaba?

How do you stop your Merkaba? When does whatever vehicle stop? When there is no more fuel. So, if you don’t breathe prana through your prana tube and the internal and external prana spheres that you have built become empty and collapse (are no longer there). The prana flows always continue to flow for about 44 hours after you start them.
So, only after 2 days you may or may not notice a difference. And write down your findings in one word in the evening. For that you should NOT do the 7th to 17th breaths.
You then start breathing Prana through your nose and mouth again, as before. Always keep doing the first 6 breaths that ensure that your EM fields remain in order and cleared.
For the first 6 breaths, place the Sun and Earth tetrahedrons separately in their correct position and always keep clearing these fields. In the beginning, your energy fields tend to return to their old, distorted position. Your soul begins to delight in draining old and new charges. So, don’t worry about noticing a difference or not!

Train your head to be silent as much as possible

And train your head to be in silence as much as possible, using the three short and one deep breaths. The frequency of your heart. Also study chapters 14 and 15 of volume 2 of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, written by Drunvalo Melchizedek and the booklet Living in the Heart. The EM fields of your mental and those of your emotional bodies only rotate at the same speed (both will spin at 34% of the speed of light) at the start-up (15th breath), like with vehicles and engines.
If you want to increase the speed, you must have some kind of ‘gearbox’, or two counter-rotating speeds. That is why at the 16th breath you choose: 34-21 (Fibonacci ratio). The male/mental star tetrahedron will double its speed to 68% (2×34) and the female/emotional star tetrahedron increases from 34 to 42% (2×21) of the speed of light. And when you say at the 17th breath: “9/10th of the speed of light” that is the assignment for the mental star tetrahedron. This then goes from 68% to 89% (almost 90!), and the emotional star tetrahedron automatically goes up from 42% of the speed of light to 55% of the speed of light. You don’t need to remember these details.
Instead of 9/10 of the speed of light you can also say:
The speed of the electrons in the here and now“. Suppose that the speed of the electrons changes, then you go with the change and you don’t notice anything.

Difference Golden Mean & Fibonacci Merkaba

Here lies an important key! You can also learn to activate the Merkaba from your heart. I call this the Golden Mean Merkaba. The Merkaba you learn with Master Your Energy and volume 2 of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life is the Fibonacci Merkaba. With the Fibonacci Merkaba your energy fields will spin at 9/10th of the speed of light which is the speed of the electrons in our reality. With that high frequency, you recover much better, have much more energy and have time for your heart desires.
Please go and study the Fibonacci and the Golden Mean spirals, and especially find out what the difference is between the two spirals. Please take your time! And start feeling more and more deep love for yourself. You automatically feel more and more love for everything and everyone. All this is much more important than that you feel in the beginning a stronger difference in energy.
There is still so much to discover!