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#8 Christ Consciousness Grid

Christ Consciousness Grid

I make this blog especially for those who have learned to activate their Merkaba. Also for those who want to learn to work with their Electro-Magnetic (EM) fields and make their Light Vehicle.

It doesn’t matter how long ago you learned to activate your Merkaba. Some have learned both ways, the traditional way, as well as from the heart.

Both forms are very precious. (Combined, they are even more powerful.)

If you want to refresh the steps to activate your Merkaba in a structured way, you can request access to the Master Your Energy video series in the Webshop,


You have also learned (perhaps long ago) to place the energy field of unconditional love called the Christ Consciousness Grid around your Merkaba.

This field is made up of a dodecahedron with a cap of the icosahedron on each of the 12 five-sided faces. This cap consists of a pentahedron with 5 equilateral triangles on top. Thus, the Christ consciousness field consists of 60 (12 x 5) equilateral triangles. This shape has a horizontal pentahedron above your head. With the “ico cap” on it.

If you have understood that a pentahedron has no beginning and no end, you also understand that the Christ consciousness field connects us with the Origin, the Source, the All.

The dodecahedron and icosahedron are two Platonic solids (Plato) that have no beginning and no end. They have golden ratio proportions and belong together as “brother and sister”.

Platonic solids

In total there are 5 Platonic solids: the cube and the octahedron which are also “brother and sister” of each other and the tetrahedron which is a dual of itself, and two tetrahedrons form the star tetrahedron
And as just said the dodecahedron and icosahedron also belong together.

The definition of a Platonic solid is that all edges and angles are the same. And further that all vertices fit exactly in a sphere.

The Platonic forms are the most elementary, stable and balanced forms in the universe. They are the building blocks in our reality. Therefore, they will balance our energy fields within and around us.

Platonic solids around our physical body

How special that our Electro-Magnetic (EM) field is a double tetrahedron or a star tetrahedron. See the video series for further information.

If you connect the points where the Sun and Earth tetrahedrons meet, the octahedron is created.

cube fits exactly around our physical body.

Our Christ consciousness field is made up of a dodecahedron with 12 caps of the icosahedron.

How wonderful to know that we can have the five platonic shapes around us!

Master Your Energy video series

With the video series Master Your Energy you can learn to activate your Merkaba.

Furthermore, I recently made the video Unity Breath to help you remember how to build the Christ Consciousness grid around your Merkaba. 
Hopefully you will ensure that these fields are -and remain- constantly in their proper place. Without your “intention and attention” plus the daily steps, these fields will disappear. 

You have to be there with your consciousness!

If you have forgotten something, you can refer to the second volume of: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, written by Drunvalo Melchizedek. 

Connectedness of the Christ consciousness fields

In our Tiny Sacred Space of our heart we have an identical field in miniature. This is closely related to the Christ consciousness field around our Merkaba and also to the same grid around Mother Earth. 
This field of unconditional love is located 96 km around the earth. 
The axis of this field is not the north-south line but runs from a hole just outside the Great Pyramid of Egypt to Mo’orea in the Pacific Ocean. Mo’orea is a French Polynesian island.

From the Tiny Sacred Space in your heart you are connected through these fields with the All -or the Origin- and with all life everywhere.

Responsibility to have our energy fields in their optimal condition

It is extremely important that as many people as possible have their energy fields in their optimal frequency.
The world need higher energy levels. The higher the energy level, the higher the consciousness.

The time has come when each of us reactivates his/her Merkaba  permanently from now on. In that way we help ourselves and everything around us to increase the energy level. At the same time also our consciousness. The higher the frequency, the higher the consciousness.

Furthermore, it is essential that we all also have our Christ Consciousness grid around us. The size of this field is the width of your Merkaba. The diameter of your Merkaba is 10x your height. You don’t have to measure anything. Place a dodecahedron exactly where your Merkaba ends. 
Your Merkaba touches this dodecahedron.

The upper pentagonal plane above your head is exactly situated at the height of the radius of your Merkaba as from your perineum up and down.

If you are 1.80 m tall, the diameter of your Merkaba is 18 meters. The radius, from your perineum, is 5x your height: 9 meters to all directions.

If you have forgotten something, sign up for the Master Your Energy video series. There are several ‘products’ in the Webshop. 

See you next week!

Johanna with Drunvalo
Johanna with Drunvalo Melchizedek in Sedona, Arizona