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Blog#7 External Merkaba

Learn to activate and use your Merkaba.
Master Your Energy is a video series that can help you with that.
You can independently learn to increase the frequency of your energy fields.
I will help you step by step and if you need help, you can call on me via the contact form.

External Merkaba

The External Merkaba is a separate field from your personal Merkaba field. It is easy to place it around the site you have chosen. You can choose your home (with land), place of your work or another site.

The External Merkaba remains fixed to the site. It only stays alive when you reactivate it daily, at the same time you reactivate your own Merkaba.
The programs of your personal and External Merkabas may be different.


1. Pick a point where no one passes; for example a fireplace, a pillar.
All you have to do is express the intention that the prana tube is so long that the star tetrahedron-associated with it- covers the entire building and / or area.
The bigger the tube, the bigger the star tetrahedron!

2. It is not important how the star tetrahedron is positioned around the building and / or area.

3. It is possible to create multiple external Merkabas, but then you have to take into account that these will only continue to exist thanks to your “daily maintenance” or “intention and attention”.

4. While taking the first 6 breaths, focus on both star tetrahedra: your personal and the External Electro-Magnetic fields. At the same time you remove all negative and unwanted energies from both Electro-Magnetic fields.

5. So while you are doing the 17 breaths of your personal Merkaba meditation to activate your personal Merkaba, you are doing the same for the external Merkaba. With every breath you ‘see’ how the same happens with both Merkabas.

6. When your own Merkaba expands on the exhale of the 16th breath, so does the External Merkaba.

7. From the moment the External Merkaba is formed, you can place your intentions there. These intentions persist until you want to change or stop them. You can always change or adjust these intentions.

8. You can place different intentions in your personal and the External Merkabas.

9. It is important to reactivate your personal Merkaba and the External Merkaba daily for approximately two years. Both Merkabas always need your dedication, vital energy and love.

10. If after about 2 years your Merkaba has become permanent, you can reactivate the External Merkaba with one blow-out.

11. Remember that both your personal and the External Merkabas always have a much higher frequency than their environment.
Therefore, negative energies cannot enter both Merkabas.

12. In case you live in an apartment or small house, I recommend that you add to both Merkabas the intention that they function only for your own area.
Otherwise it would be manipulation.

13. Sometimes we would like our neighbors to benefit from our Merkabas as well. But we don’t know what experiences to go through.
You just need to be a being of Light. Others can voluntarily choose to be close to you.

15. Animals in nature experience your energy field as known and safe. That is why they remain calm and do not flee when you come.

See you next week!

Picture Johanna