You are currently viewing #6 USE MERKABA
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Learn to activate and use your Merkaba. Master Your Energy is a video series that can help you with that. You can independently learn to increase the frequency of your energy fields.
I am guiding you step by step and if you need help, you may contact me.

You won’t be bothered by external jammers any longer!  

Difference crystal and Merkaba regarding programming

As a comparison, last week I spoke of the fact that you can “program” your Merkaba. Equally you can place intentions in a rough quartz crystal. The difference is that the number of intentions in a Crystal is limited to the number of sides the crystal has.
In your Merkaba you can place an unlimited number of intentions and they are far more powerful!

You can use your Merkaba in 4 different ways:

1. Nothing
  • Do nothing; just activate and observe how your days go. If you want, you can write down these observations. Sometimes the changes happen so subtly that you may not notice them right away.
    When you look back over time, you will no doubt see big leaps of change.

2. Masculine
  • In a Masculine, structured, way, you first write down the formulation yourself, which you adjust until you are satisfied with it. Know what you want, and adjust it until the intention really resonates in your heart. I use a formula for that. You can make your own wording, or use mine.
    Always formulate what you DO want and not what you DO NOT want. The cosmos does not know the word NO and then you attract exactly what you did not want.

3. Female
  • In a Feminine, intuitive way, where you know -in total surrender and trust- that what happens to you is for the optimal benefit of all levels of your being. Even if something (apparently) unpleasant/painful happens. Knowing that this is ultimately for your highest good.
    In order to live this way, I recommend that you first use your Merkaba in the Masculine way for some time, so that you gain experience.

4. Masculine & Feminine
  • The fourth way is a combination of the Masculine and the Feminine ways, applying both methods alternately and always following your heart!
    Trust yourself and connect with Source; the Source of all life everywhere!
    The Source knows why you are here and will inspire you at night to do that which supports you in your function here on Earth.

Some suggestions for different intentions  

You always can decide which intentions you place in your Merkaba, and in what order. You may change or finalize them as you wish. You can compare it with the software of your computer.

I start all intentions with the following sentence that you can either utter out loud or in silence. You can of course change the wording as you wish.

“If it is good for all levels of my being and if it is according to the divine plan, from this moment on I put in my Merkaba, in a very pleasant and livable way for all levels of my being that: ……………

  1. only those energies enter my Merkaba field, which are optimal and beneficial for all levels of my being. And that all other energies at the edge of my Merkaba are transformed into unconditional love and as such go back to their origin “.
    With that you help to convert negative energies without disturbing your own energy fields. Furthermore, external influences such as solar explosions, fluctuations in the Schumann resonances, high-frequency transmission masts, etc. cannot disturb / harm you.
  2. from now on I have a direct contact with my double and the Origin of all, inviting the Origin to inspire me permanently to do and experience that which is optimal for my whole being and the whole creation.
  3. all devices (including electric cars, bicycles, etc.) located within my Merkaba field will always function as they should.
    Otherwise, appliances such as a washing machine, dryer, sound equipment, sewing machine, household appliances, television, electric car, bicycle, etc., could burn out due to the high frequency of your Merkaba.
  4. from now on I am only visible and findable to those for whom I want to be visible and traceable. .
    This means you are not traceable to people who want to limit your freedom or who want to control you.
  5. I keep my clear memory under all circumstances, even if the magnetic field of the Earth diminishes.
    Actually, this intention is unnecessary, because by definition you keep your memory when you have activated your Merkaba. Both with your Fibonacci Merkaba (34-21) and your Golden Ratio Merkaba (which you activate from the most sacred little place of your heart).
  6. all fluids in my body are and remain structured; that all cells are bathed in structured water so that my body stays healthy.

These are a few suggestions, but you can use your Merkaba in the way YOU want to.

Crystals continued

Discover the gender of crystals

As I have already mentioned in the Blog: Merkaba Activation, raw crystals can also be programmed. Which sidetracks me: How can you tell what the gender of a crystal is?
Find the lowest plane of the crystal point and look at the closest plane next to it.

  • If it is on the right, then the movement from bottom to the next clockwise counterclockwise is masculine.
  • If the next plane is to the left, the rotation is clockwise, to the right, and that is considered a feminine crystal.
  • If the planes to the right and to the left are at the same height, it is both male and female at the same time.

The following week I will explain how you can place an External Merkaba in e.g. your place of residence and/or working space.

Until the next week!

In this blog you can read how to use or program your Merkaba with some suggestions. Furthermore I explain how to discover the gender of your quarz crystals.