You are currently viewing #4 ACTIVATE YOUR MERKABA 1st part
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Information for everyone:

If you want to independently learn to increase the frequency of your energy fields, I recommend that you go on reading.

For an explanation of what Merkaba is, you can find extensive information on the Home page of my website.

There you will find a video: What is Merkaba?

In addition, there are 2 short videos (6 minutes) of the White Sphere. I give a short explanation about the video series: Master Your Energy, and what it can do for you.

I made this series for 45 months in collaboration with “my” graphic designer, in Dutch, English and Spanish. Turkish and then Russian versions will follow as soon as possible.

My intention in making the video series was/is to offer very old, useful and complicated knowledge to everyone in an as simple as possible way.

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek

I have re-explained two chapters from the 2nd part in 27 short videos. The total lenths of the video series is a total of 4 hours. I have added these videos with images and animations, developed and realized by me.

Ancient knowledge that was previously available only to the privileged few is now accessible to anyone who resonates with it.

You do not need any prior education. Anyone aged 7-97 can learn it at home.

Up till now many have gained this knowledge in a 3 to 6 day workshop.

From NOW on you can learn this useful knowledge (to increase the frequency of your energy fields). When follow the video series Master Your Energy at home, you can do so at your own time and opportunity. You may repeat, stop or rewind the videos as many times as you want. Enjoy it intensely!

In two weeks I will provide more information specifically for those who have already learned to activate their Merkaba.

Ideal for refreshing your knowledge about the Merkaba and for newcomers!

Even though you have not activated your Merkaba for a long time, I would advise you to use the video series to refresh your knowledge, and use your Merkaba again. The whole world needs more and more people who are transmitting an optimal frequency. Mother Earth is raising her frequency as well !
Enjoy it, because the higher your frequency, the more differently you perceive this world, and the higher your consciousness will be.

Q & A for those who have already learned to activate their Merkaba

When and where to activate your Merkaba?

You can activate your Merkaba at any time of the day. Please, maintain your back vertical, such as standing, sitting on a chair, a tree stump, or walking slowly.
When you (re)activate your Merkaba whilst sitting on the floor, half of your star tetrahedron (your energy fields) is above, and the other half is under the floor.

When is my Merkaba permanent?

If for two years you have activated your Merkaba daily in this solid and structured way, your Merkaba will become permanent. That does not mean that you no longer work with it, or are no longer connected to it. You need to have a conscious, permanent, contact with your activated Merkaba permanently.

Feel connected with the two prana flows

Better said: it is extremely important that you constantly know and feel connected with the 2 white prana flows that come in through your prana tube from above and below at the same time at the speed of light. You will learn in the video series Master Your Energy how you can decide at which chakra (energy point) in your body these flows come together. For the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek this is at the height of your navel chakra. Later at the level of your lower heart chakra (of unconditional love for all life everywhere).

Meeting point prana flows

The meeting point of both prana flows is at the height either chakra INSIDE your prana tube. There they collide and form an internal prana sphere, and lateron you will form an external prana sphere as well. This external sphere is called the Leonardo sphere. The meeting point of the two prana flows is either behind the navel or behind your heart chakra. This is the chakra of Unconditional Love. This last chakra is located in your prana tube at nipple height, or 3 horizontal fingers above the bottom of your sternum, where the ribs meet.

You will learn all steps gradually, and with ease and grace whilst using the video series. 

Meanwhile you can request the first video for FREE in the webshop: video Red 1. 

The following week I will publish the 2nd part of this blog.

Enjoy life!

Johanna with Drunvalo

Johanna & Drunvalo in Arizona